What Steelers Fans are Eating For the Super Bowl

Super Sustenance The Food Network is taking it on the chin for the Super Bowl.
Box wines fit the bill for the big game Yes, indeed, here we go—with beverage recommendations to enjoy during the big fete for Super Bowl XL
Game plan: pretzels in first half, fondue in the second ...
What's the next best thing to being at the Super Bowl? You guessed it: being at a Super Bowl party. And what type of food best fits a Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl gathering? Obviously, you'll want something Steelers fans can nibble on while their eyes are glued to the TV.
Steelers/Seahawks rivalry reaches the kitchen
The moment the Steelers clinched its Super Bowl berth last Sunday, I ripped off an e-mail to my Seattle colleague, Hsiao-Ching Chou, food editor of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Nibbles: Charities win when chefs cook in Detroit
Executive Chef Greg Alauzen from Eleven in the Strip District will team up with football great Andy Russell representing the Steelers at the 15th annual Taste of the NFL, Saturday at the Rock Financial Showplace near Detroit.
Food Network Super Bowl Page
(With Pittsburgh and Seattle Themed Foods)