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Thursday, October 20, 2005 

California olive oil claims a rich heritage

By Jacqueline Higuera McMahan, San Francisco Chronicle.

The first trees planted in California (specifically, San Diego) were olive trees. The Mission padres used olive oil as lamp oil and for the sacrament of anointing the sick.

It should be noted that olive oil was one of the first ingredients to dominate the original California cuisine. In the beginning, settlers didn't have enough cattle for suet or enough pigs for lard but they had olive oil.

Availability may have determined the Californian affinity for olive oil as opposed to the Mexican affinity for lard. It gained an early foothold before people who preferred butter moved to California

California still has a great amount of small family owned and operated olive farms. The Bariani family of Sacramento, Ca is a great example. The climate of the Sacramento valley is the perfect climate for olive growing. The Bariani's olive oil company has received great accolades and media attention.
I know they don't sell out the Sacramento area...but you can purchase thier products on great website. www.madeincalifornia.net

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