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Monday, May 23, 2005 

Bring your kids to the winery!

Hey...have you ever wanted to drag your young children around the vineyards and wineries of Napa?

Ok, maybe not. But in the off chance that you do, The New York Times had an article yesterday on Napa Valley Wineries that offer a kid friendly environment.

With a little planning, the wineries of Napa will serve the underaged. Some wineries offer coloring books, crayons and fruit juices to occupy children while their parents sip chardonnays and cabernets. Others have picnic areas, interactive displays, aerial trams or caves that capture young imaginations

There's also a list at the end of the article on Wineries in the Napa Valley that will accommodate your children should you bring them along.

Sideways for kids. Thanks for the info.

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