Is Raw Food the way to go?

Atkinson says he has always been skeptical of these types of claims, and uses a speech by Dr. Richard Wrangham, professor of biological anthropology at Harvard University to really prove his point.
His lecture, "The Natural Cook: The Significance of Paleo Gastronomy," exploded once and for all — at least in my mind — the myth of a raw-food diet and its supposed superiority over a diet of cooked foods. "Every culture in the world relies on cooking, apparently because a raw-foodist lifestyle is simply inadequate for people living at subsistence level," he said. It's all well and good for people who can afford to pulverize, blend, semi-dehydrate and manipulate their food with countertop appliances, but when you're in the bush, a raw-food diet simply will not supply a human brain with the calories it needs to function. Even if it could, we would have to chew and swallow for something like 16 hours a day.He went to say that fire...and cooking food with it, was one of the things that really set apart early man from his counterparts.